The Source for Prime and Secondary stainless.
For 32 years, Stainless Source of New England, Inc. has been supplying nickel alloys and stainless steel in sheet, coil, plate and strip form. Please consider us, whether you are half way around the world or right around the corner, needing container-load contracts or 50lb. air freight shipments.
Throughout the industry, we have a reputation for competence and trust. Our long-term customers know that we have the experience and knowledge needed for making savvy purchases and setting competitive prices.
Join us as we embark on another 32 years of excellence.
Warehouse Locations:
Gastonia, NC
Baltimore, MD
Cleveland, OH
Stainless Source of New England, Inc.
PO Box 50 / 49 Conway Street, Ste 101
Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 USA
Ph: 413.625-2200